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7 Amazing Box Braid Styles for Any Occasion


 No matter how many ladies get box braid styles, they never go out of style. Every lady, regardless of their age, size or race, seem to agree that braids are a timeless hairstyle. One reason for their survival must be the ease with which box braid styles can be varied to create unique looks.

 Furthermore, box braid styles tend to last longer. It is for this reason that ladies find them more practical compared to other hairstyles. Therefore, I’ve compiled a list of seven perfectly styled box braid styles to inspire you for your next special occasion.

7 Amazing Box Braid Styles For Any Occasion

  1.  The Bun This is the most flexible box braid style of them all. This is because it can be altered into many other styles. Such styles may include the royal bun, the double bun and the big bun among others.To make a bun, all the hair is brought together and tied into a single knot. The knot is opened at the centre and the ends wrapped round the knot. This style is very dynamic as it can be worn on formal occasions or even while attending social gatherings.
  2.  The Single or Double Sided Sweep  This type of box braid style is easy to make and manage. All the braids are held together and pushed towards one side. To make it even more appealing, some braids from the top may be styled into a pony tail. Where one wants the double side sweep, follow the steps of the single side sweep.Once that is done, divide the knot into two resulting in a double (2) sided sweep. The pony tail should be maintained for both styles as it helps ensure that the braids remain on the sides as required.
  3.  The Updo This is one of the box braid styles similar to the Bun. The difference between the two is that for the Updo, the knot made must be positioned at the crown of the head. When well pulled off, the Updo is a big deal for any kind of casual gatherings.
  4.  The Wrap This is the most versatile box braid style of them all. You can attend any occasion with this style regardless of whether it’s on official duty, a wedding, a red-carpet appearance, etc. This hairstyle also allows ladies to put on other accessories such as earrings and neck pearls as this hairstyle exposes them.For the style to appear as desired, the wrap style may be finished with multiple weaves. Matted finish may also be used. The only undoing for the wrap is that it is often impossible for a lady to do it on their own without assistance. This is because all strands need to be brought together smoothly without leaving out some or others crisscrossing each other.

    Though it takes a lot of effort to make this style, once it is pulled off, you can walk into any room and be confident that you are going to stand out.

  5.  The Braided Topknot:  The braided topknot shares some resemblance with the bun. The only difference is that, once the braids have been brought together into a knot, unlike the bun, the braids are let loose into a giant braid before being rolled around the knot.This box braid style may require additional help, when one person holds the knot in position, the other rolls the braids around it.
  6.  The Fishtail It is the easiest and neatest box braid style. It may or may not require assistance depending on how well a person knows how to make matted styles. It involves the braids being separated into two equal portions. They are then made into a matted pony tail. For optimum results, the ponytail should be made from the centre of the head.
  7.  The Side Bun Though it is a type of Bun, it is a style on its own. The only similarity with the bun is the holding of braids together into a knot. The side bun, however differs as it involves the braids falling on one side of the head.

All these box braid styles may be accompanied by extra accessories such as beads, earring, and neck pearls and head wraps. The extent of addition of these accessories will depend on the occasion.

Box braid styles never go out of style, here are 7 styles to try now! Click To Tweet

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