5 Worthwhile Ways To Refresh Your Blog This Spring

  Just like you refresh your wardrobe during spring or other seasons, you can also use some worthwhile ways to refresh your blog too. There are many ways to refresh your blog and to improve your blog but are all of them worthwhile?

 If you remember i published a post about 5 ways to improve your blog sometime ago while i was still using blogger and many of you actually learnt something from it.

 In this post, I’ve shared with you 5 ways to refresh your blog this spring (or anytime you want) that will actually be worth your while. You can apply these tips to your blog no matter your platform.ways to refresh your blog

Worthwhile Ways to Refresh your Blog this Spring

1. Switch to a responsive SEO-friendly or SEO ready theme/template: Most of us bloggers focus on fashionable front-end blog designs than the actual back-end blog structure. Truth is, if your blog isn’t well structured, no matter how well you try to improve your blog’s SEO, you might never get your intended result.

 Some of you were wondering why i changed my beautiful fashion theme to a minimal looking theme just within a few months of customizing it and moving to WordPress. One reason: It wasn’t as seo ready as i wanted at that time (it’s been updated since then though).

 I was only losing my search engine traffic instead of gaining more, regardless of how seo-friendly my posts were. Since switching to a responsive fast seo ready theme, my traffic has improved and my markup looks the way it should. I like the minimal look also because it isn’t confusing to blog visitors.

  An easy way to check your blog or blog post’s structure is to use google’s free structured data testing tool to check for errors and ensure your blog is properly marked up. “Structured data markup” is a standard way to annotate your content so that machines can understand it. When your posts and pages include structured data markup, Google (and other search engines) can use that data to index your content better, present it more prominently in search results.

2. Create Pinterest-friendly photos and refresh old posts: I can’t overemphasize pinterest’s use to bloggers especially those who create a lot of tutorial posts or insightful posts really. Vertical images tend to catch people’s attention faster so it’s quite easy for the right infographic to go viral.

Enabling Pinterest rich pins for your blog increases the chances of getting more traffic to your blog. Also, with online softwares like Canva, you don’t need to be a graphic designer to create beautiful infographics for your posts free of charge.worthwhile ways to refresh your blog

3.  Interlink old related posts within new posts: Sometimes, related posts widgets don’t show the exact related posts intended. The best way is to interlink those specific posts within their related posts. This, not only makes it easier for people to see old posts but also improve’s your blog’s bounce rate.

4.  Create a call to action within posts: Sometimes Most times people just need a little push to get things done, that’s what makes us humans. You never know till you ask right? I’m currently using the click to tweet plugin within my posts.add call to action in blog posts5 easy ways to refresh your blog now and make it worth you while! Click To Tweet

5.  Schedule posts for social media throughout the 24 hours of a day: Unless you have superpowers, you can’t stay online publishing your posts to your social media accounts throughout the 24 hours of a day. The easiest way to do that is to use scheduling apps.

You can re-share old posts and new posts at different times and different days for more exposure because your readers are most likely in different time zones. If you remember i mentioned the all-in-one paid app in this post on how to use an editorial calendar to improve your blog contents.  If you can’t afford paid apps, you can schedule posts to a limited amount of social media platforms free with apps like Hootsuite that can be used even on mobiles.

  That’s all, 5 easy ways to refresh your blog now and actually see results that would make it all worth the time and money and significantly improve your blog.

If you are looking to refresh your closet this spring as well but don’t know what to do with the old clothes, you need to read about how to host a successful closet swap .

Feel free to share other ways you have refreshed your blog recently and your experience in the comments.

  Thanks for stopping by as always

*P.s. I’m still accepting Guest Saturday posts, get in touch if you will like to contribute.

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  1. April 18, 2016 / 9:54 pm

    Great info. I just started a week ago with the self hosted blog and I was thinking about using the tweet plugin and a post schedule plugin is a great idea! I am going to check it out! Thank you.

  2. April 21, 2016 / 8:37 pm

    thank you, that was informative, interesting post with REAL knowledge. It doesn’t happen frequently these days.

  3. April 23, 2016 / 4:44 am

    Thanks for this. Hoping to do some refreshing soon… so I’ve saved your post for future reference. Bloggers are the most generous of people, aren’t they?

  4. April 23, 2016 / 7:30 am

    Thank you for these great tips! I’m definitely going to look into SEO-friendly templates. I hadn’t heard of structured data mark-up, so I’ll take your advice and do some research about that as well. Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. April 26, 2016 / 5:19 am

    Thank you for sharing these tips on refreshing of blogs!
    I am in the midst of doing that and found your tips helpful!
    Much love from Singapore,

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